Each family should be aware that service is at the heart of St. John Paul II Catholic High School, and our school would not have reached the heights of success it has without each family pitching in to help with different events and activities. With this in mind, each family is required to give a minimum of 25 hours of service hours per year to the school community.  This commitment will be made by contract at the beginning of school with the signing of the parent/student handbook.

During each school year, each family is expected to donate service hours to be completed during the school year or, in lieu of these service hours, to contribute a minimum of $300 to the school.   Service hours are preferred over money given to the school.

The cost of educating each child is significantly more than the tuition that is charged.  Therefore, every family will be expected to honor this commitment. Service hours may be secured in many ways—by donation of time, talent, and goods.The essence of parent participation is a cheerful giver who shares his/her talents, time, and treasures with the St John Paul II Catholic High School family.  The requirement for each family is 25 hours.

Service hours are to be completed by the end of each school year, and as the school has many great events that it hosts, there are many opportunities to help out. Those families who have not met their 25-hour commitment and have not been excused will be billed through FACTS at $10 per hour not completed.  Any hours completed after the end of the school year can be applied to the following school year.  You must record Service Hours through the below link in order to get credit for hours worked.

It is the responsibility of the Parent Teacher Organization to maintain the service hour sheets.  One hour will be credited for each $10 of approved donated goods.  Goods donated must be listed separately on the reporting form (in the space provided) indicating the value of the goods, what the goods were, and who they were donated to at the school.

Attendance at an athletic event and/or a social function does not qualify for service unless you are on the organizing committee or in a helping position.

Hours cannot be transferred between families.  Family members, however, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and older siblings can earn service hours and are welcome to participate.  Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age. You can reach the Service Hour recording link below, or https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZaeIDBHlflH-gHaOU984ex1B0Vtjjw   sAy_7qcwJrpLx4Kw/viewform?usp=sf_link


Those who cannot fulfill their commitment are asked to contact the Principal as early as possible so that other arrangements can be arranged. All employees and volunteers working with children, youth, elderly, vulnerable adults, and those responsible for the instruction and guidance of children and youth must complete ALL requirements from the Diocesan Charter BEFORE they can participate in a ministry. The requirements are:

VECHS Fingerprinting and Criminal Background Check (repeated every 5 years)
Shield the Vulnerable online courses – Recognize, Report & Prevent Child Abuse (repeated every 5 years) and Detect the Predator:  GUARD the Children

In addition, volunteers who drive youth, children or vulnerable adults to/from appointments, church, field trips, etc. must complete a Driver’s Information check and have the required minimum insurance prior to driving. On-line courses are available at www.shieldthevulnerable.org.

Thanks in advance for your willingness to serve our school. We love getting to know our parents when they’re on campus, and our partnership with you will ensure that we continue to excel in all things and MOVE BOLDLY FORWARD IN THE SPIRIT!