Purchasing iBooks

Payment Method:

To purchase iBooks your apple ID will either need to have a credit card number associated with it or you can use iTunes Store Allowance for your student. For more information about iTunes Store Allowance please read this informational guide from apple: support.apple.com/kb/ht2105. You can also enter gift cards to your Apple ID from a gift card by opening iTunes>Click Store>Sign-in using your Apple ID>Store>View Account>Enter Apple ID>Edit (by Payment Type). This will bring you to a screen where you can enter your iTunes gift card and your student can purchase books or apps using the gift card.

Purchasing Books:

Once you have set up a Payment Method it is very simple to download books to your iPad. Follow the instructions below:

First, locate iBooks on your iPad. If you have not already downloaded iBooks, you should go into the App Store and download it.
I have stored my apps in folders by holding my finger on one app and dragging it on top of another.

Step 1

Next, I will open my folder to view iBooks.

Step 2

Then you will see your bookshelf. Click Store in the upper left hand corner.

Step 3

You will now search for your textbook by typing in the name or subject in the search bar in the upper right hand corner. You can see below that I searched for a Biology Book.

Step 4

When you find your correct book according to the book list you can either click to purchase by clicking the amount of money or “Free” or you can open up to a description of the book. Below you can see that I opened up to a description of the book to make sure it is the correct book that I would like to purchase. Once you have decided to purchase the book click the $14.99 button.

Step 5

This button will now say “Buy National Edition” or something else to confirm that you would like to buy the book. Click this button and it will ask you to put in your apple ID to purchase the book. After you have confirmed your purchase your book will begin to download. You can check on the progress of the book by going back into your library by clicking “Library” in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

Step 6

If you have any further questions about purchasing textbooks through ibooks please submit your question under Purchasing FAQs.

Setting up the Powerschool Application

Below you will find instructions to set up the powerschool for students application on your iPad:

1. Locate the Powerschool application on your iPad or download it from the App Store.

Step 1

2. Swipe to the Left as instructed by the first page of the Application.

Step 2

2. Swipe to the left again when you see the screen below.

Step 3

3. Click Search for my district when you see the screen below.

Step 4

4. Click search when you see the screen below without putting any information in the boxes.

Step 5

5. When you get to the screen below type ‘https://ptdioceseschools.powerschool.com’ into the space for the PowerSchool Server Address. Next click Check for PowerSchool.

Step 6

6. Now you will be taken to a screen where you can put in your username and password for PowerSchool.

Step 7

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