Dear Parents and Students,

The faculty and administration of John Paul II CHS are excited to continue our iPad 1:1 program in the coming year. Our first phase of integrating digital tools in the classroom began in the fall of 2012 when all faculty members were issued iPads. Teachers began to grow accustomed to using these devices in class and incorporating them into their lesson plans. Through a grant we received in May of 2013, all classrooms, the media center, and main office were outfitted with brand new flat-screen televisions connected to new Apple TV’s. Last summer we made significant improvements to our wireless network to handle the increased traffic we anticipate with the next phase of our 21st century learning initiatives. During the 2013-2014 school year we implemented the pilot program with our freshmen and sophomore classes.

Our technology goals are to:

1. Inspire student creativity and innovation for the future.

2. Provide teachers with resources and training to incorporate technology into teaching and curriculum.

2. Prepare students for the job force and high use of technology in all fields of work for the future.

3. Increase productivity and student learning with the use of technology in education.

We hope that you find this website useful to answer questions and to continue communication about our technology program at JPII. If you have any further questions feel free to fill out our google form and submit a question to the Technology Help Desk.

“All users of the Internet are obliged to use it in an informed, disciplined way, for morally good purposes; parents should guide and supervise children’s use. Schools and other educational institutions and programs for children and adults should provide training in discerning use of the Internet as part of a comprehensive media education including not just training in technical skills—‘computer literacy’ and the like—but a capacity for informed, discerning evaluation of content. Those whose decisions and actions contribute to shaping the structure and contents of the Internet have an especially serious duty to practice solidarity in the service of the common good.” –from the “Ethics in Internet” by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications

Technology Tutorials

Curriculum Goals
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Guides